Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Biggest Concerns for 2009

After blogging about the things that concerned me in 2008, I figured it would be a good follow up to detail some of my concerns for this great new year. And here they are:

-The media is ever increasingly leaning more and more to the left. This is obvious in the last election cycle. Even though Democrats were more caught up in political scandals, you only heard about the Republicans. Particularly Ted Stevens and the senator from Idaho. The biggest concern I have here is the medias ability to influence our thinking. The recession isn't just a recession, it's the worst thing since the Great Depression! America is headed for collapse! The government must intervene to save us or all hope is lost! C'mon people, how can we fall for this crap?

The reason they spew this verbal diarrhea is so that they can make the country seem like it is in its worst condition ever. That way, when Obama takes office, they can stop making the recession seem so bad. Then before you know it, Obama has passed some bills, created a few jobs and the general public will think he has fixed the recession. Why do this? For one thing- he is the media poster boy. They will make sure he is in the White House a good two terms, then push to get Hillary in there. Don't believe me? Just watch the next 8 years. The media will play up Jindal and Palin from the Republicans because they would be the easiest to beat in a general election. The leftists in the media will have their way because Americans are becoming too stupid to see through them.

-More political scandals will happen. They keep coming up, more and more. Latest trends have the Democrats poisoned by them, hopefully that continues. It simply taints the integrity of politics when those in charge are caught up in such things. But I am worried it will continue and get worse. Shouldn't those writing the laws know them the best? Yet they seem least capable of abiding by them?

-More bail outs. Yes, it's going to happen. The auto industry, then the airline industry. Don't forget the bail outs disguised as subsidies already going to farmers. Seems the government can bail out anyone but we the taxpayers. Shouldn't we get a share of the 600 billion dollars? Couldn't we put it to better use? Don't worry, the new administration will find plenty of ways to waste our money on failing companies and organizations.

-Barack Obama will do what the crazy conservatives think. I don't think he is a Socialist, I don't think he's bad at all. But I certainly don't think he's going to fix all our problems. I also don't think he's going to bring in an apocalypse to end the world as lunatic conservatives say. But I'm worried he could go Socialist since Pelosi and Reid are. I hope he has a backbone enough to do what he said he would do and not submit to the far too liberal Congress.

-People won't realize that global warming is a joke. Global warming was invented by environmentalists who want nothing more than for us to live in rags and in trees, eating nothing but leaves and grass. Climate change is well documented in the history of our planet. It's called polar shifting. The north pole moves further south, Canada moves further north and all of a sudden the equator is going through North America because of the axis of the earth. Guess what? Humans have nothing to do with this. And this year certainly won't be the year anyone listens to the real scientists instead of Al Gore. Think there is global warming? I've got -5 reasons why it's wrong! Our winters have gotten colder and colder, not warmer and warmer. The climate is changing because the earth is changing, not because more humans are driving or because coal plants are polluting the air.

-The next "breakthrough" in human genetics will find a biological link to homosexuality. Yeah, it's happened time and time again. And every time the results could not be replicated. In fact, every time they found the results, when interpreted by scientists and not journalists, said nothing of what people thought they did. Scientists are discovering ways that could link part of homosexuality to biological factors. That's a far cry from scientists proving that people are born gay. You may not consciously choose who you are attracted to, but you sure as heck choose your lifestyle. And since I know over a dozen gay men personally, and every single one of them has had sex with both men and women, I would venture to say that no one is gay at all, but bisexual. Every "gay" person I have ever met has dated women before. Don't tell me they don't find women attractive, because it's a blatant lie. They choose their lifestyle. They want to live a gay life. And this should be rewarded with social acceptance and promotion? Why would I encourage this lifestyle or appreciate it at all? Why should I "tolerate" such behavior when they show no tolerance for the people who disagree with them? Yet I am concerned that more and more young minds are being infected with the liberal mental disorder earlier in life, and so the gay movement will only gain more traction in the coming year.

-My biggest concern? That people just won't get along. Our do-nothing Congress was the result of constant bickering and no compromising. The Republicans just can't stand illegal aliens becoming citizens. The Democrats just can't stand making civil unions equal to marriage. Neither side is willing to compromise on anything. I'm worried to no end that Obama has made many promises which sound good, and that he won't be able to keep them. I hope he cuts taxes. I hope he improves our roads and our education. I hope he stops deficit spending. But that will take cooperation. Hopefully legislators can set aside ideology and do what is best for this country. Goodness knows the last President did what was worst for it.